Saturday, November 24, 2007

An expat waxes nostalgic....

There is something inherently misleading about the title of this blog, Expat Waxes Nostalgic. The deception is that I'm not actually an expat anymore, I'm actually as much at home as I could every imagine being, I'm in Maryland, about a half mile at most from Potomac, working in Washington DC and spending lots of time with people from my past. Its amazing and confortable and stable, but, I find my mind wandering back to my recent past, two years spent in Europe. Studying at one of the worlds hubs of economics and political science in London and then working at the heart of the European Union and exploring the continent, I had amazing, touching, troubling, complex, simple vivid experiences that I can't seem to let go of.

Living abroad has changed my perspective on life irrevocably. I will never see myself again as a person of a certain country, a certain town or a certain place but rather just another person in a sea of 6.5 billion living in many different unique ways around the planet. This perspective changes the way I see everything, making me more observant and making me see more linkages and connections in daily life.

Because of the changes, and because of the seeming newness of my life back in the United States, I've decided the end has come to my last blog. That blog was essentially cryptic, and told stories of my life that were non-transferable to others. We'll see where this goes....and with that, Adieu.

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